Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coming Home

I came home, back to Logan that is, to find this:

The Dread Pirate Spitfire Williams is a Pirate. He just likes to be a studly mobster on the side.
And Why not?
I am a firm believer in Ninja Pirates.
Well he is a Ninja of course.
And a Superhero.
Don't tell anyone, but he is the one and only Missionary Man!
And a Mobster.
He's like Ninja Pirate Superhero Mobster Bear
In other words he's a stud.
Oh did I mention that he's a dinosaur, a Utah raptur at that.
Ninja Pirate Superhero Dino Mobster Bear
And a Samurai Warrior...
And a Trojan Prince...
And an Egyptian Lord...
Really, he is anything and everything that I say he is.
Yep true story.
His full name is close, but not limited, to:
Missionary Man Dread  Pirate Spitfire Hatori Katsumoto Hector Sheftu Ethie Fats Razor Tooth Williams
 Anywho, little Ethie Fats, his mobster name btw, had  these York peppermint patties in his pocket.
 As I hope you can clearly see.
 If you can't then maybe you need eye glasses or eye surgery or something.
Or maybe you just don't have EYES!!!
I don't know.
That's not the point really.
The point is....
 I have the best roommate ever! 
I love you this much Kelsi!!!
(arms spread as wide <------------------------->as they will go) 
Thanks for being so awesome.
Also pictured is Fussi, another present from Kelsi.
She is the greatest.

1 comment:

  1. Aw shucks Betsy. YOU are the best roommate in the world. No amount of York peppermint patties will ever make up for all the awesome things you've done for me! Including making delicious chicken noodle soup last night, which was just delightful.
