Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011: Grace

Last night I should have been writing my final Archaeological Proposal. Last night I should have been reading the preamble of Communist Manifesto for my history class. Last night I should have been working out. Last night I should have gone to bed early. Well last night I didn't write my proposal, I only skimmed the preamble, I didn't work out, and I got to bed fairly late. Why did I not do all of these very important things? Because I was checking out fashion blogs, finding new music to listen to, and wasting precious time.

I wouldn't say it was a complete waste of time. I found a few new bands that I adore. Some of them are: Little & Ashley (they do the Kindle Commercials), She & Him (she is in 500 Days of Summer), Brigitte Bardot, La Madrague, and Pharrell Williams ( Despicable Me Theme Song).

In my blog wanderings I came across a few gems among which was In Life & In Fashion. The lady who writes the blog has a word of the year. I thought this was a really cool idea and was deeply inspired by it. Now I am going to have a word of the year. I wanted something totally awesome and new. Something unexpected and daring...I looked and looked for my word, but nothing jumped out at me. And then I had it. My word will be grace.

Grace is a simple word and yet it's completely complex. Do you know how many definitions grace has? Let's just say there are a lot. I don't even know where to start in defining it so I'm just going to take it a week at a time.

And thus, I, Elizabeth Jenne Cannon, in the utmost solemnity take grace as my word of 2011. In taking grace I will try with the best of my ability to be more graceful in all meanings of the word. La fin.

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