Saturday, July 9, 2011

I Have Been Called To Serve...

Richard and Brenda Miles

...In the Alpine German-Speaking Mission. I honestly wasn't expecting to get my call for another week, but when we picked up the mail last night there it was. I also wasn't expecting to go German either. Maybe it was the years of listening to my mom say how useless it was for me to take German in high school and at USU. I don't know, but I do know that I am going to be speaking it for 18 months and I'm a little bit terrified. Just about the language really. I love German, I really do. It's a beautiful language. I know that is contrary to common belief, but it is so true. German is beautiful. Just listen to it when you have a chance...Oh man I am so excited. So anyway my mission covers all of Austria and Liechtenstein, part of Switzerland, and part of Germany. I leave October 26. Three months is a long time, but I really don't mind. It's just nice to know when I will be leaving and to know that I am actually leaving. I can hardly wait! I have to get all ready and I should probably work on my German and Preach My Gospel. I'm going to leave you with some Nena because well she's just great and I'm going to be speaking German!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Courage, Honor, Loyalty, Sacrifice. You're braver than you think.

Yes, I know it has been a very long while. Life has just been super busy. 

My mission papers have been in for a week. 

My team won the Spanish Fork women's league championship. 

I have a new nephew, Nikolas Cannon Jensen. He is just so adorable. 

My sister got married and I made her bouquet.  I'll have to post a picture when I get one.

I can't get a job for the life of me. Apparently nobody wants to hire a soon to be missionary. 

Brin and I bought baby octopus on our first trip to Winco.

I made a four layer german chocolate cake for Father's Day.

I got the worst sunburn of my life last peeled layers. It was terrible.

I'm living with Brindley this summer. We have a pretty sweet pad in my parents barn. We don't have many toys around so my niece plays with my rain boots.

I made Captain America cookies for the fourth of July.

Some of them came out a little vintage. Just how my dad likes them.

When Captain America throws his mighty shield,
All those who choose to oppose his shield must yield!
If he's led to a fight and a duel is due,
Then the red and the white and the blue will come through,
When Captain America throws his mighty shield!"

Oh and my sister Emily is moving out here in a week which means my nephew will be here too!